Our People
About Reverend Nicoline Guerrier
Rev. Nicoline is currently on sabbatical, Feb. 1 – May 18th, 2025.
Rev. Nicoline is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister from Montreal, Canada. Often described as a “border crosser,” her life and her ministry have been sustained by the awe she experiences at our ability to learn from one another and to build both connections and commitments across differences of culture, religion, race, class, gender, sexuality and belief.
In her passion for supporting communities where all people can experience belonging and worth, she draws on both her Asian and European heritages, as well as her identity as a queer person. For her, there is no more joyful vocation than partnering with UUs and others to further the capacity of people of all ages to live lives of meaning, love and service.
Although raised UU and called to ministry as a young adult, Rev. Nicoline chose to live out her calling in other ways while raising her two children, now young adults. Alongside a 30-year career as a social worker, she served the Unitarian Church of Montreal as lay chaplain (offering personalized rites of passage to non-congregants) and designed and facilitated numerous workshops on behalf of the Canadian Unitarian Council. She has also been active in the UU racial justice movement in Canada and is a compensation consultant for the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Originally from Toronto, Rev. Nicoline has lived in rural Howick, Quebec (not far from the border with the North Country), as well as Montreal for most of her adult life. She holds undergraduate degrees from Princeton and McGill Universities, studied Clinical Pastoral Education at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and received a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago.
Previously, she served the First UU Church of Winnipeg as interim minister and Toronto’s Neighborhood UU Congregation as intern minister.
After a two-year experiment in going “car-free” in order to reduce her carbon footprint, serving the fellowship has meant re-entering the world of car ownership. Nonetheless, you can expect to see Rev. Nicoline walking, running or riding her bicycle during her time in Plattsburgh. Rev. Nicoline looks forward to meeting you Wednesdays, Thursdays, and two Sundays each month.
Our Staff and Volunteers
Rev. Nicoline Guerrier – Minister | 518-565-6708 or minister@uuplattsburgh.org
Lisa Bulriss – Office Assistant | office@uuplattsburgh.org
Jo Ellen Miano – Music Director | joellen.miano@gmail.com
Jason Murray – Worship Service Technician I jason78murray@gmail.com
Amelia Stevens – Digital Outreach Specialist | digitaloutreach@uuplattsburgh.org
Kris Lutters – Religious Educator | klutters@gmail.com
Dorothy Latta – Commissioned Lay Minister | layministers@uuplattsburgh.org
Nancy Lewin – Commissioned Lay Minister | layministers@uuplattsburgh.org
Our Board
The ultimate authority for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh lies with the congregation. However, the affairs and business of the congregation are managed by a Board of Trustees, consisting of between three and five members-at-large and four officers.
Current Officers:
- Co-chairs: Connie Shemo and Nicholas Hunt-Bull
- Treasurer: Ursula Jones
- Secretary: Kimberley Bertrand
Current Members-at-Large:
- Tana Hanley
- Megan Morrissey-Kelley
- Mark Preston
Officers are elected to three-year terms, which are staggered so that, on average, three positions come up for a vote each year. Elections are held during the congregation’s June meeting. You may contact the board at board@uuplattsburgh.org.