June 12, 2022 at 11:45 a.m.
Mark your calendars! This is an opportunity to hear highlights of our “Forward in Fellowship“ survey, to ask questions or offer feedback, and to vote in new board members and officers.
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) has nominated the following members to the Board: Annette Wells, Kimberley Bertrand, and Abby Guay, each for three year terms, and Ursula Jones for a one-year term (fulfilling a vacated term).
The LDC has nominated the following slate of officers of the Board: Connie Shemo and Annette Wells, Co-chairs; Ursula Jones, Treasurer; Kimberley Bertrand, Secretary.
These two slates (members and officer positions) will be voted on by the congregation at the upcoming annual meeting. A quorum is needed in order to hold an election (Bylaws VII.6.D).
In addition to discussing the highlights of our “Forward in Fellowship” survey, we will also share recommendations related to gathering together. Please plan to attend this very important meeting!