Congregation Votes to Hire New Minister

Photo of Rev. GuerrierAfter a nearly unanimous vote of approval by the congregation, the board has extended an offer of a one-year, half-time position to the Rev. Nicoline Guerrier, with an extension to be considered at the end of this period.

Rev. Guerrier says she is excited to be a partner with us in our vision of shared ministry.

She is a Canadian citizen and her employment will depend on her ability to obtain a permit to work in the United States. The application process is quite involved, and the approval may take a few months. As a next step, the congregation will submit an application to the appropriate regulatory authorities for this approval.

In the meantime, the board will work with the Rev. Guerrier to prepare for her arrival.

Once we resolve the permit situation, Rev. Guerrier intends to be in Plattsburgh Mondays and Tuesdays each week, to conduct one Sunday worship service each month and to be present an additional Sunday to meet with groups or individual congregants and stay connected to our congregational life. When not physically in Plattsburgh, she will be available by telephone or email and may join us for various events as well.

This is an exciting time in the life of UUFP, and — as evidenced by the overwhelming support of the congregation — we are thrilled to have Rev. Guerrier join us later in the summer or in the fall.

We will keep you posted on timing as the situation unfolds. If you have questions or comments, please contact Ursula or a member of the board.

Listen to her sermon, Partnerships and Possibilities, here: