Unfortunately, the past year has seen an upswing in violence targeting UU and other progressive religious communities. Although we hope, of course, to stay safe here in Plattsburgh, we also believe in the value of being prepared.
To be better prepared, we hope a sizable number of you will sign up for one of the following two activities that will teach us how best to respond in the case of an active threat.
If you are able to attend one or both of these events, please let Rev. Nicoline know (minister@uuplattsburgh.org) before registering, so that we can plan to ensure various areas of fellowship life send delegates.
- Community Safety for Congregations
Wednesday, October 18, 8-10 p.m. online
Offered by SURJ (Showing up for Racial Justice). No fee to attend. View training details here.
- Threats from Without, Care from Within
Saturday, October 21, 12-6 p.m. online
Offered by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Sliding scale; however, your board is committed to supporting participation in this event. Speak to Rev. Nicoline for more information. View details here.