Nursery: Sabrina Burgess, Grace Suarez and Ella Archer continue to provide care for infants and toddlers.
Pre-school-first grade and 4th-6th grades will begin “Spirit Play,” based on the work of Maria Montessori. Each Sunday the group leader will tell a story drawn from a different religious or philosophical tradition. Each story will illustrate some aspect of social justice activism. After the story children will be provided with a wide variety of dramatic, art and craft materials with which to explore their responses to the story. On Easter Sunday we’ll focus on stories reflecting Jesus’ teaching. And we’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt!
Sunday, June 4: Multigenerational service is the last RE Sunday until fall. We’ll be acknowledging participants in our RE program and “bridging” Connor Giltz, as he graduates from high school.
July 9-15: RE Week at Ferry Beach.
Friday, August 11-Sunday, August 13: Camping at Ausable Point. Each family can make their own reservations. I’ve reserved two sites, #78 and #79. I have extra camping equipment if you need anything. I’ll have a campfire each night (and smores). Join me!
Kris Lutters, Director of Religious Education and Family Ministry