Family Ministry: Religious Exploration for Children and Youth and Whole Congregation Programming 

Welcome back for the opening of our formal programming for children, youth and families! Contact us at for conversation or information.

A parent meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 6, immediately after the worship service. Please bring your ideas!

All parents are encouraged to complete a brief registration form on the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh website. Go to, where you will find the blue button to link to the registration form. The information provided will help us respond to children’s needs and interests.

Toddler and Infant Care
Grace Suarez, Lily Clermont and Ben Ouellette will rotate to provide infant and toddler care every Sunday morning downstairs at Palmer Street. Parents of young children are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early so that children can become reacquainted with child care providers. Infants are welcome to remain in the sanctuary during the service.

Programming for Children
Formal programming for children and youth begins at about age 4 and is scheduled every Sunday morning. Children ages 4-10 will join adults in the sanctuary for the opening of the Sunday worship service. After the opening of the service, children will recess to developmentally-appropriate Unitarian Universalist-informed programming at our Elm Street building. Children will return to the sanctuary at 11:15 a.m. On the Sundays immediately before and immediately after school vacations, our programming will be extracurricular.

Programming for this age group will emerge from a variety of sources, each chosen to engage children in experiences designed to foster spiritual, religious and ethical inquiry. The monthly themes of adult worship services will influence children’s programming.