There will be no formal programming for children and youth during the summer. However, child care and child-centered activities will be provided every Sunday morning. Children are welcome all summer.
We will continue with fourth-Sunday-of-the-month multigenerational services. The intergenerational July service is scheduled for Sunday, July 22, and we are working hard to provide a meaningful service for people of all ages.
On Aug. 5, our primary Sunday service will also be for people of all ages and will be held at Meacham Lake Campground. Carpooling is encouraged. Please ask if you need transportation.
Sept. 9 is our annual Water Communion service. This service welcomes all to the beginning of a new fellowship year and will be followed by an opportunity for children and parents to explore our “Families in Action” initiatives for children and youth for 2018-2019.
Kris Lutters, Chair of Lifespan Faith Development