On Sunday, June 9 from noon to 1:30 p.m., the Safety Committee at UUFP is sponsoring Safety Sunday. During this session we hope to cover many issues that will make UUFP a safer fellowship.
Pete Mitchell is a sargeant from the Plattsburgh Police Department. He did a walk-through of UUFP’s 2 buildings (Palmer and Elm Street) with the Safety Committee. He made many recommendations that you may start to see implemented in the coming months. Unfortunately, law enforcement has had the opportunity to learn many things from shootings at churches, schools, concerts and malls, things that can help to save lives. On June 9, Sgt. Mitchell will return to UUFP to review safety procedures in the event of an active shooter. He will do a short presentation and then there will be plenty of time for questions.
We will also discuss other safety measures. We will bring out the AED (automated external defibrillator) and review its location and use. We will have a short demonstration from a course entitled “Stop the Bleed” (briefly talking about what you can do if someone is bleeding).
The event is free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!