As our website states, “The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh welcomes and seeks to celebrate and support the lives, relationships and contributions of its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual members and friends. We affirm and include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer at every level of congregational life — in worship, in program and in social occasions — welcoming them as whole people.” But in order to be officially recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association as a Welcoming Congregation, the UUFP must complete an application process begun a number of years ago by the Social Action Committee.
In addition to the steps we’ve already taken to complete our application, at the October annual meeting I will be asking the congregation to vote to hang the rainbow flag outside every Sunday. This will publically symbolize our commitment to “honor the lives of all people and equally affirm displays of caring and affection without regard for sexual orientation,” “affirm marriage equality,” and “advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.” (
On Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25, and Oct. 2 I will be holding informal information sessions about the history and symbolism of the rainbow flag, as well as the Welcoming Congregation application process. We’ll meet right after the Sunday service. Please join us at one of these conversations in preparation for the annual meeting congregational vote in October, and feel free to contact me directly with questions or concerns.
Jessamyn Neuhaus