UU the Vote postcarding: Reclaim Our Vote

Side With Love logoOur Democracy/UU the Vote social justice squad at the UU Fellowship of Plattsburgh is energized to partner with Reclaim Our Vote and Center for Common Ground.

Update (Oct. 20, 2022): Democracy/UU the VOTE: Our Work Continues!

Historian Heather Cox Richardson wrote: ” . . . the first day of early voting in Georgia smashed the state’s previous record for first-day votes cast in a midterm election. In 2018 the first day of voting brought in 71,000 voters. Today that number hit more than 130,000″ (“Letters from an American,” Tuesday, Oct. 18).

We played a part in this! Our Democracy/UU the Vote squad leader, Ursula Jones, crunched the numbers and we see that we have sent a total of 4,550 postcards this spring-summer-fall to FL, AL, VA, NC and GA. Really impressive!

130,000 first-day early voters in Georgia makes our hearts sing. (Let’s talk about “Choosing Hope”!) 

However, Kelle (our regional coordinator for Reclaim Our Vote) wrote this to our squad:

“Thank you so much for all the work you have done for the midterms this year with Reclaim Our Vote. We are prepping for a runoff in Georgia, just like in 2020. We will have 500k addresses available on November 10th to consistent black voters, primarily in rural areas, alerting them to the runoff, poll info and Early Voting dates. . . . The mail date will probably be the end of November, as the election will be held on December 6. . . .”

Our Democracy/UU the Vote squad is getting into position, should we need to kick into action. Join us! Contact Jo El Miano (joellen.miano@gmail.com) if you’d like to help with a packet of 30 postcards to GA voters. First-time postcarder? No worries . . . we’ll support you all the way!