Saturday, August 3: UUFP’s First Ice Bucket Challenge to Raise Money for OWL

On Aug. 3 at 11 a.m. UUFP will host its first-ever Ice Bucket Challenge. The Ice
Bucket Challenge is a fundraiser for our OWL (Our Whole Lives) program. The

OWL Program teaches sex and sexuality issues to our youth. OWL affirms self-
worth, the importance of sexual health and healthy, safe relationships.

The Ice Bucket Challenge is modeled after the fundraiser that raised so much
money for ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The idea is that an individual agrees to
have water dumped over his or her head. UUFP members, family and friends
pledge money in support of the participants. You do not have to have
water dumped over your head to participate.

The Ice Bucket Challenge will take place on August 3 at 11 a.m. (with first ice
bucket challenge at 11:30 a.m.), at the Giltz home, 46 Gravelly Point Dr., on
Cumberland Head, Plattsburgh. We’ll have a picnic and fun activities on the
Please bring:
 A dish to share
 A swimsuit if you plan to swim
 A change of clothes
 A towel
 Shoes that you can wear into the water

Please RSVP by Aug. 1 to or 518-563-2110 or sign up at the clipboard in the fellowship.
If you cannot attend but would like to support the OWL Program, you can place a check or money in the
offertory plate or mail it to UUFP, 4 Palmer St., Plattsburgh, NY 12901. Be sure to include a note or other
indication that the donation is for the OWL Program.

Challenge! Cheerlead! Volunteer!