Holy Possibilities

Yes, life is hard, and we all need comfort. But what would your life be like if you lived each day oriented toward leaning more deeply into life’s holy possibilities?

Join Rev. Nicoline and members of the Worship Team for a service rich with music, reflection, and opportunities for changing the world as we change ourselves. 

Bring yourself, your family, your friends. Attend in person or on Zoom.

Your Joys & Sorrows
An experimental change to the Joys & Sorrows ritual at Sunday service 

For the months of November and December, 2023, we’ll invite you to submit written Joys & Sorrows prior to each Sunday service. During the service, the minister or worship leader will read your Joys and Sorrows aloud. Once this two-month experiment has concluded, we’ll review all your feedback.

There are 3 ways for you to share your Joy or Sorrow:

  • Complete and submit our online form by 9 a.m. Sunday.
  • If you plan to attend service online, arrive by 10:20 and share your Joy or Sorrow with our Zoom host, who will write it down and read it aloud during the service.
  • If you plan to attend service in person, arrive by 10:15 and note your Joy or Sorrow on a paper form, available on the greeter’s table near the entryway. It will be read aloud during the service.
Submit Online Form