You’ve told us how small groups have helped you reflect on your spiritual journey, build deeper connections with others, and strengthen your engagement with this dynamic Unitarian Universalist community. And so, for 2023, we’ve added new small groups to our slate of offerings! Watch this space over upcoming weeks for more information and to sign up.
Here are some of our recent small groups that thrived during spring 2023.
Sacred Words
Using traditional religious language – like grace, atonement and the holy – often felt difficult for Unitarian Universalists. And yet, sacred words can also illuminate aspects of our life journeys in deeply meaningful ways. Join this small-group online gathering, and explore how sacred words might carry new meaning for people of diverse beliefs and for our times.
Facilitator: Rev. Nicoline Guerrier
Altar’ed Objects
UU Fellowship Creative Arts Workshop Series
Facilitator: Al Lutz
Not-So-Wintry Mix of Music, Story and Joy
A not-so-wintry mix of activities for 3-4-year-olds and their families! We will meet– either in our warm, welcoming and open sanctuary space at 4 Palmer St. or outdoors at a nearby park – for circle songs, movement, playing with kids’ instruments, a story and more!
Faith Examined
Every other Monday, Sept, 12 through May, 10-11:15 a.m. In person at 4 Palmer St.
Our last gathering of the season: May 22.
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Black Lives Matter
Monthly on the first Tuesday, 6-7:15 p.m. on Zoom
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Writers’ Circle
Monthly on the second Wednesday, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Zoom
Our last gathering of the season: June 14. Writing Prompt: “Summer”
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Climate Squad
While we won’t be hosting monthly gatherings for a while, we will be attending some of the inspiring activities hosted by the UU Ministry for Earth. We invite you to do the same!
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