Dear UUFP Family,
The board and I have decided to temporarily stop holding Sunday services and to suspend all other in-person activities at the UUFP, effective immediately. This has not been an easy decision to make, and we want you to know we have spent the past few days exploring all possible alternatives.
We know how important it is to stay connected with one another, especially in times of great community and personal stress. For this reason, your Pastoral Care Team and I will shortly begin reaching out to every member of the Plattsburgh area UUFP community, to find out how best we can support you at this time.
Stay tuned, also, for news about how we will be finding new ways to offer inspiration, spiritual sustenance, and caring in the coming days. We’ve been flexing our creative muscles, and are committed to continuing to remain a community of love and support. Check your emails and Facebook to learn more, or reach out to me, your minister.
In the meantime, please share this news with anyone you know who is not likely to see this message on email or Facebook. We are stronger together.
In love and service,
Rev. Nicoline