Update on the Search for a New Home

We learned that the St. Joseph’s Church property on Military Turnpike just south of Rugar Street would be coming on the market within our price range. The UUFP Board and other Fellowship members who responded to the announcement at last Sunday Service toured the property Monday and Tuesday, March 20 and 21. The 10,000 square foot building on 3.2 acres met our identified space requirements and handicap access needs with minor modifications. The Board will meet March 27 to review our findings and recommend next steps.

Details on another option to develop our Kansas Avenue property within our original budget allowance are also being pursued. Hopefully, we will be in possession of enough information by our meeting date to determine whether this may offer an alternate solution.

The possibility of an arrangement to use the Synagogue remains open, but that community has not yet decided on a course of action appropriate for them.

Please contact any board member if you have questions or comments.