If you have youth between the ages of 8 and 17 who are looking to connect with other UU Youth, enjoy limitless fun in the Adirondack Mountains, eat s’mores, create art and music, and play games and sports, while learning about the importance of community all shaped by UU values, welcome to Unirondack. What truly makes us unique is the energy, caring, and creativity of the people who call Unirondack home. Inventiveness and youth empowerment abound as our staff aim to provide a space of excellent programs and promote the acceptance and respect of all campers.
At Unirondack we live the values that are inherent in UU principles — acceptance, compassion, and decision-making through the democratic process while co-existing in an intentional community together.
For more information, visit www.unirondack.org, or ask your DRE or minister for a brochure. We can also be reached at Director@unirondack.org.