“Cooking is love made visible.” –– Anonymous
If cooking is love made visible, we have an opportunity for you to be “seen” and to share your love through the submission of a favorite recipe to our custom cookbook. This cookbook will be professionally published by Morris Press, and is sure to be a treasured keepsake for us all. The money raised from sales will be added to our ministerial fund in support of continuing Rev. Nicoline’s inspiring spiritual leadership.
We have received many wonderful submissions to date, but we still need more to make this a success. Please consider submitting a few of your favorite recipes so that you will be included and our cookbook will be a success.
We anticipate a great demand for our cookbook, and we want to be certain to order enough. To reserve your copies, contact Darlynn Bates at darlynnbates@charter.net or 518-561-8982 or Margaret Schwartz at margieschwartz@gmail.com or 518-643-5342 with the number of books you wish to purchase. Cookbooks will be available in the spring for $9.00 each. Please place your order now. Thank you!
To Submit Recipes Online:
- Go to www.typensave.com and click ‘Login.’
- Enter the username: UUFPCB
- Enter the password: carrot005 and click submit.
- Enter your name and e-mail, then click ‘Continue’
- Click ‘Add Recipes’ to begin adding your recipe(s).
Recipe Writing Tips:
- When adding recipes, review the “Tips” and use standard abbreviations.
- Only enter one ingredient per ingredient line.
- List ingredients in order of use in the ingredients list and directions.
- Include container sizes, e.g. (16-oz. pkg., 24-oz. can).Write directions in paragraph form, not in steps.
- Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g. “Combine flour and sugar.” DO NOT use statements like, “Combine first three ingredients.”
- Include temperatures and cooking, chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.
- Additional comments about the recipe can be mentioned in the “Recipe Note” field.
Note: If you do not have internet access, our committee will enter them for you. To submit hardcopies of recipes, call Simone Lutz at 518-563-8114 or Lori Neuhaus at 518-324-5171 for instructions. If you have any questions, please call Darlynn Bates at 518-561-8982.