UUFP Rummage Sale at Elm St.

UUFP Rummage Sale at Elm St.

Friday, Sept. 13 (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) and

Saturday, Sept. 14 (9 a.m. – 2 p.m.)


>>>>What to donate<<<<

Furniture, antiques, lamps, knickknacks & decorative items

Appliances and electronics, only if clean & in good working order

Clothing: fall & winter — good quality, excellent condition & clean
(no items that are torn or soiled)

Household items, linens and bedding that are in very good condition

(Bed linens should be clean, bagged and labeled with size.)

Books: Children’s books only!

Games, puzzles, toys, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes

Tools, yard & garden items in good condition, potted house plants

Baked goods, labeled & wrapped


If you have large, unusual or noteworthy items such as antiques, appliances, or furniture, please let us know ASAP, as we may want to mention these things in our ad.


>>>>Drop off times<<<<

Sale week: Tuesday 10 a.m.- noon & 4-6 p.m., Wednesday 2-6 p.m., Thursday 10a.m.- 4 p.m.

Note: This year we will only be accepting items at designated times.

No drop offs at either building at unscheduled times.

Someone will be there to vet items as they come in, so please make sure to bring only items in good saleable condition.

We also ask that donors stay for 15 minutes or so, in order to help hang or put out

your items for display.

>>>>Please Volunteer<<<<

There are lots of opportunities to help so please consider volunteering:

*Set up tables and racks on Sunday, Sept. 8 after the service.

*Receive drop-offs, sort & price items during the week (see sign-up sheets for times).

*Help with the sale on Friday & Saturday (see sign-up sheets for times).

*Clean up after the sale on Saturday 2-4 p.m.

Remember there is no long term commitment for this project and no age or gender discrimination. Folks that are younger than retirement age are encouraged to volunteer, as are men.

Thanks, in advance, for your donations and your help to make this a fun and successful fundraiser for UUFP

It’s a great way to honor its history as an important recycling and community service event!

If you have questions or comments about the sale, please contact
Darlynn Bates at 518-561-8982 or text 518-335-8596 or
or Ursula Jones 518-561-7647 or hmorlock@charter.net