UUFP Social Action At-A-Glance

It is wonderful to know that our UUFP members are out and about helping with meals, phone calls and visits even during their busy days. Individuals of all ages are showing they care and help in ways that they can. Keep Ann Hobson in your thoughts as she heals. If we get any sunshine, share a walk with a friend, share a dessert or just a phone call.  Don’t worry;  be happy!

Please take a look around and see if someone could use a hand with something.  If you can’t help, maybe someone else would be happy to fill in!

Compassion and Choices: Assemblyman Billy Jones is co-sponsoring this bill and will want to know how many people are supporting it.  Compassion & Choices is the nation’s oldest, largest and most active nonprofit organization committed to improving care and expanding options for the end of life. Compassion & Choices works nationwide in state legislatures, U.S. Congress, courts, medical settings and communities to empower people with information and tools to receive health care that is consistent with their values and priorities as they approach the end of life. I’ll have postcards that you can sign, to state that you are in favor of this bill. Please consider this. I intend to have the cards addressed to Senator Betty Little and Assemblyman Billy Jones so you don’t have to look it up. I’ll mail all completed cards.

Interfaith Power and Light is an interfaith coalition of liberal Christian, Reform Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist leaders who gather and plan to support caring for our Earth and lobbying our representatives to let them know our thoughts and hopes. On April 22, Rev. Richard Gilbert, a retired UU Minister,  led a social justice workshop at the Adirondack UU Community. He has promised to keep us informed of actions for which this group is advocating. I’ll share that information.

–Mary Dufort, Chair of Social Justice Committee