Side of Love Teams Support Social Justice

Our Social Justice Committee has a strong heritage for engagement. For years we have supported the Interfaith Food Shelf. We commit monthly to sustain the Community Meal at Trinity Church. We contribute to a prison ministry program at Clinton Correctional. We sit at the table of the Interfaith Council. In addition, our members volunteer in many other capacities throughout the North Country.

In her sermon on Easter Sunday, our guest minister, the Rev. Sandra Fitz-Henry, reminded us of the meaning of “resurrection.” Our SJ Committee is creating more ways for us to be on the side social justice.

SL Plattsburgh (Side of Love at the UU Fellowship of Plattsburgh) is organizing into teams that will lead the effort to research and plan action around specific issues that we are passionate about. Some teams live within our congregation, but many are partnerships with others in the area. To learn more about a team contact or 578-5821.

  • Democratic Governance
  • Plattsburgh Cares, a coalition of many agencies and social activist groups in the area, founded, in part, by members of the fellowship
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Science and the Environment
  • Women’s Rights & LGBTQ Rights
  • Racism and Criminal Justice Reform
  • Interfaith Impact of New York State, founded by the Rev. Richard Gilbert (a retired UU minister)