March 11 and 25, 7-8:30 p.m.
The dynamic conversation we began last fall, spurred by the UU Common Read for 2023-2024, “On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World,” continues in March with Workshop #2.
Please join us as we turn our attention to how to initiate repair, when the harm doer is an organization — like our workplace, or our faith community.
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Where? Join the conversation from home, using our online option, or meet in person at 4 Palmer St.
Why? Integrity. Living our values. Accountability. Whatever you call it, our communities sometimes fall short. But the good news is, with practice and coaching, we can learn to make amends and do better.
Can I just show up? Knowing how many to expect will help us plan better.
**Register and find out more **
Facilitators: Rev. Nicoline Guerrier and Nancy Lewin, Commissioned Lay Minister